Long time, no talk. I'm launching something!

Long time, no talk. I'm launching something!

Hey Friend,

We haven’t talked for a while! I’ve been busy, but now I’m committed to keeping in touch with worthy dialogue. You’ve likely subscribed via my marketing agency website, or recently through social posts.

Either way, I appreciate you being here.

What’s New?

I’m in the final phases of writing a book about abject entrepreneurship and the adventurous escape from poverty. I’ll share more on that soon.

For years–but especially the last couple months–I’ve written thought provoking articles on important topics, drenched in humor and irony. Sometimes about marketing (my line of work), but not usually.

Today, I’m launching The Lorem Ipsum.

This email is designed to share big ideas. It will include summaries of stuff like my article about why ‘You should stop washing your jeans’, and another one about what we’re seeing in Afghanistan these days, originally posted at DanielKHerndon.com.

In The Lorem Ipsum, I’ll give you the gist so you can skip the long version and only read the ones you want.

Now, I don’t want to be the clutter in your inbox, so if you don’t want to receive my emails, go ahead and unsubscribe. I’m not offended!

For the rest of you, I promise I’ll provide something that is worth your time. Make sure to reply and give me feedback.

The first official issue will come out next week. See you then!